How to prevent running injuries part 3- the real causes unknown to most runners

We have previously discussed the intrinsic and extrinsic factors responsible for most running injuries. A quick refresher may be found here. The human body is an amazing creation, and the more clinical experience I gain as a Physiotherapist the more amazed I am about it’s inner workings. You may be surprised to know that the…

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How to prevent running injuries – part 2

In a previous post (How to prevent running injuries-part 1), we discussed the factors that contribute to running injuries, and divided these into 2 main categories: 1. Extrinsic factors 2. Intrinsic factors In part 1 we looked at extrinsic factors, so now we will focus on intrinsic factors that contribute to running injuries. Intrinsic Factors…

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How to prevent running injuries- part 1

Most people who run understand that running can be hard on the body. It is weight bearing activity, and so all the lower limb joints and muscles experience some degree of loading with each stride as you land. Muscles are required to work eccentrically(lengthening as they contract to control impact), and then work concentrically(shortening as…

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